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Sister Owsley at EFY |
So Update on Sister Bly... She is in SLC she had an
appointment on Wednesday where they taught her how to redress her own wounds
which is good she wont have to go back everyday. She has a follow up
appointment this coming Wednesday where they will check some of the spots that
were 3rd degree and see if she needs the skin grafts. There was some pink
showing through (which is good) so keep praying that it heals and she wont need
the grafts!
So This week just flew by it keeps getting faster and
faster. I cant believe I am almost half way done with my mission. Everyone
keeps telling me that the 2nd half goes a whole lot quicker too. Yikes!! This
week has been good and kept us busy. So on Monday President Curtis called the 4
of us sisters in our district to his house. We went over and he basically did
an emergency transfer for the rest of transfer (2 weeks) and he combined our
areas so now I have 2 companions! Sister Bigelow and Sister Pohahau. They are
awesome and I already knew them because they are in our district and live right
down the street. So I packed up some of my stuff and I am with them for the
time being. We now cover 3 wards and a huge area. it's fun because there is never
nothing to do which is like a missionaries dream! We did get a car because our
area is so big now. #blessings! We have so much fun together. We laugh all the
time and have a blast and they have really welcomed me in an made me feel at
home. There was a lot of catching up this week. Trying to combine 2 areas is
really hard to do especially when you know its not permanent. We have been
making it work and the members here have been so understanding. This week has
been so crazy. The weather has been insane. We got tornado warnings and the
whole bit! It was scary there for a while and there has been thunder and
lighting right out side our windows every night! Speaking of crazy weather..
heard there was a huge earthquake in CA?? Well other than that I can think of
much else. We did set a date with Natasha to go to the temple( I promise I do
have pictures from the baptism that one day i will get to you!) we are super
excited for her and we have a lot of referrals to contact. Its been a huge
blessing we are really seeing the work progress and Its been an interesting
transfer but I know it all happens for a reason and I know I have been where I
need to be to learn the lessons that I have learned! Love you all and Hope your
week are amazing!
Sister Owsley