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Downtown Mackay, Idaho |
Sister Coats- half the Summer Clan- Sister Owsley |
(sorry for all the typos hope this all makes sense)
So to explain my title. Sister Coats and I went up to mine
hill to go hiking this morning. well first off we totally did not follow the
trail, but my awesome mountain women skills came in handy (dad would be proud)
and we made it back safe and sounds. The coolest part... WE SAW A MOOSE!!! ya
like a legit real moose it was huge and it ran..like fast! haha We were busting
up and screaming it was so funny!
so rewind.....
Monday last week: We had dinner with an investigator couple,
Jim and Evelyn Ippiloto. They are from new Jersey and have the accents to prove
it! (It hilarious how people end up here) but they are awesome! . Jimmy though makes the best food ever and they understand why
people live in big cities ... so it was good to talk with them! Evelyn is so
sweet and Jim is a crazy goof ball who loves to make fun of us! :) But he did
school us in Uno! haha
Tuesday: ST. PATRICKS DAY!!! (No corned beef and Cabbage) We
did however have district meeting. We also went over to the Bells (btw she
totally reminds me of mom:))We visited a lot of people and had dinner with our
ward mission leader in Lesile, Brother Jones is awesome and him and his wife
are so sweet!
Wednesday: we went and painted a Potential Investigators
house. Her name is Jennifer Quinn and she is the mom of another Potential here
in Mackay. But we painted and talked to her for a while. she is so funny and
just sweet! She took us out to lunch in Moore afterwards. We did get talking
and she said they just bought a new BBQ with a smoker on it so I told her dad
did that so she went out and bought all the meat and want us to come over and
teach them! (so going to need you recipe dad!) anyways she was so nice and
offered to come let us work and her bed and breakfast during the summer! had
Book of Mormon class that night and had a good turn out. read over Mosiah 18 i
think and talked about sharing the gospel which was great for the people we had
Thursday: We had weekly planning, Did service for an elderly
Less-active lady, and had the Relief Society Activity in Mackay that night.
Nothing too exciting.
Friday:I think I lost my brain that day. We were everywhere
doing everything and it was CRAZY! We had to leave early to go to Arco which is
30 minutes away to go pick up a new car from Elder McQueen So that occupied our
morning. Yes got a brand new 2015 Subaru legacy. it white therefore we named
her Blanco! haha Then we went over to the Ivies and made cookies and
Bread to give out to people. Weird I know but people will let you in here if
you have food! :) Sister Ivie is awesome and while the cookies were cooking she
took us up mine hill here and took us to gravity hill! Craziest thing you drive
down the hill and then put you car in Neutral and it pulls your car back up the
hill. Totally tripped me out! they were all laughing at me!haha after that we
went to Fay Hansens, We were going to cook her dinner so we bought a stoffers
Lasagna thinking that would be easy to do. We go over to her house and realize
its not thawed so its going to take a 1 hr 45 min to cook. ya so we go and put
it in now freaked out at how long its going to take. So we go out and start
racking her leaves for her. Sister Coasts goes in and turns the heat up, and I
go in and pull the timer back a little so she doesn't notice. Well we finished
the yard work but the food was not done at all. So we sit down to watch "
A priceless possession" (Which BTW is a great church movie!) and we keep
pushing the timer she set back. in which she says " I could have sworn
that it said 35 min 10 min ago" Sister Coats and I just laughed and nodded
out heads. Ya no worries though it all finished and was actually pretty good!
haha Stopped by some more people that night and really was everywhere!
Saturday: SERVICE! We went out Lesile in the morning and
helped Bishop Summers put in a fence. We had to pound in the posts. ya. WAY
harder than it looks. He made it look so easy! Dang it then I get up to do it
and look so dang weak! haha But it was good to get out and help them. After
that we went to the rogers in Mackay and helped them with there horses. So
tempting to just get on and ride them. they kept offering and it looked so fun.
So I told them we would be back up to ride them after my mission! We had Dinner
with one of our investigators that night. Michelle, she is so funny and cooked
the best mashed potatoes ever! she even taught us Japanese which just made me
laugh! Ohai yo (good morning) has been my new catch phrase the last few days.
had an ice cream party with the Henney's that night. in which I vicariously
live my dreams of going to the UK through her. Her Husband is from England and
they lived there until this year! Ya dream life!
Sunday: we had to give talks in the Lesile ward this Sunday.
Our topic was on Christ (ya really broad!) haha but they went well. I focused a
lot o grace which has been my theme I guess for the last week. And how His
grace really is sufficient for us all! We had lunch with the Fullmers and
dinner with the Wainwrights (who there daughter just got back from a mission in
Australia) Pretty good Sunday though. the most amazing part was we got out of
church and had a text from Kevin Hennesy. He said he had found my name tag in
the park. Which the weird part is I have never been to the park there. I had
lost my name tag on Friday and was really sad since it was my first name tag.
Well i know its silly but I prayed that i would find it. Well rewind... A few
days prior we heard that Kevin doesn't really want us to pray at there house
anymore so we had kind of gotten discouraged from that. So when we found out
hew found my name tag in a random spot we knew it was a way to tell Kevin he
was an answer to prayers. Funny how Heavenly Father works that way!
I know Heavenly Father is truly looking out for me He has
carried me so far and I and so grateful for his love and the grace that he has
given me. It been rough but I have learned so much here already and its been a
worth it!
Here are my Funnies for the week...
1. Evelyn Ippilito found out I have never dated a boy and
here was her quote to me... " You have been hanging out with turkeys, what
you need to do is be with the eagles" made me smile!
2. Totally almost hit another deer this week I think Im just
going to start a running total. Barely misses: 3 Hits:0
4. We were getting a new car this week since our cd player
in it didnt work. well we get in the car and get on our way and guess what...
yup. cd player doesnt work. Sister Coats was fuming haha it was slightly funny.
5. dinner with Fay... enough said!
6. So we were driving down the Highway and we see this black
thing in the road. yup a bay cow got out of a broken fence. Well in an attempt
to help it we go to Brother Ticherts whose cow it is. We tell him and he then
askes if we put it back and fixed the fence.... we tell him no then he asked
well did ya just hit it then.... we said no.. to which he replied why not? Ya 2
city girls here!
7. Sister Coats caught some serious air in our new car this
week.... ya you heard right new car. we were laughing pretty hard
8. This Sunday because we had to speak we were sitting on
the stand where everyone could see us.. not a good place to catch the giggles
which is what happened. here the reasoning behind it though. you know when they
choose a song that no one knows. ya it way more evident when you can hear
everyone and no one is singing the same tune... ya busted up laughing!
love you all!
Sister Owsley