Monday, June 9, 2014

Progress- May 26th

This week has been crazy for us we had Gabe's Baptism on Saturday so we spent a lot of time preparing for that. It went awesome by the way! We are finding more and more new investigators and its super amazing!
So Monday We finally got the car from the Elders and we were able to go and contact a new family. Rachel is actually the sister of Ashley one of the girls that we baptized! so she was really hesitant at first she said they didn't believe in the Book of Mormon but after we talk to her for a while her and her fiance changed and we set a time to go and read the Book of Mormon with them. It was so amazing to see people change and so quickly too! We also went over to the Fosters and finished teaching Gabe his lessons and he was so excited!
Tuesday:We had to go to the Optometrist in the morning so Sister Bautista could get her vision checked because it has been bothering her so bad. Luckily one of our bishops works there! We had district meeting after that and we went and did some service with the other sisters and help someone in there yard. We then went and did more service and helped one of our investigators scrape off wall paper in there kitchen.. my arms hurt so badly.
Wednesday we went a volunteered down at the animal shelter and we went and walked the dogs which was actually really fun. We went to a referrals house after that and ended up talking to him for an hour. His name is Richard Martinez and he is 20. His mom just passed away not that long a go so we talked to him about a lot of what we believe and he invited us back! He is really awesome and super into learning more so we are really excited about it.We also went to the Clark's and met with them and we ended up talking about overcoming trials , sister Clark is trying to give up smoking and she had started that day so we were trying to give her some encouragement. It was really funny because the topic got around to MMA and I have no clue how it did, but Sister Bautista is awesome and was able to relate it back to the gospel which was really funny. 
 Thursday we had weekly planning nothing to exciting but we were able to talk to one of the part member families we have been working with and its amazing there dad is actually changing his life around and really taking those steps to come back. We also Met with the Watsons and had a really good discussion with them about where we go after we die.
Friday we did a lot we were helping out the Chung Hee's in the ward. There was graduation this week and so a lot of people had family coming from out of town and they had rented a house to let them stay in so we helped them clean and get it ready for them to use. We went a visited a really awesome member family, We went back to help sister parson out with some of here house stuff and then we went a contacted more referrals and investigators. So it was a busy day full of service which I love.
Saturday was crazy we had a lot to do for Gabes baptism and we were helping withe he Chung Hee's Graduation party. We had Gabes baptism at 4 though and it went to well there was almost 50 people there showing there support for him! He was so nervous but i he did so well. His mom was crying the whole time and there whole family did a musical number! which was beautiful! After his baptism we went to the Graduation Party which was in the stake center too. The Chuing hee's are Hawaiian and so they had a massive luau. I think they planned on 400 people! It was a huge part with really awesome food. After we went and contacted some people. Madison we visited and she moved away this weekend so we are hoping to get in contact with the missionaries where she is going. We also went and contacted a referral and it went amazing! She is a former investigator and she is awesome. They invited us in and were super friendly and nice and invited us back. The best part was they texted us later that night and told us that they were really glad we came by and that they wanted us to meet there daughters because they felt like they could use what we had to say! It amazes me each and everyday how many people the Lord is preparing the Hearts of.
Sunday was awesome. Gabe was confirmed in church and in 4th ward there was a ton of people. The bishops twin sons came home from there missions and they both spoke this week, and they did a really good job! We had so much food yesterday though we kept being invited over places and we ate so much!!! We had a really awesome experience and we were out contacting people and there has been this referral we have been trying to get a hold of for a while and we finally did yesterday. We went in and talked with her and she ended up being a member and so she all the sudden unloaded on us and it was so amazing to see the spirit work on her heart she is truly an amazing child of God and she invited us to come back and help her out and I am so excited!
The Lord has really been preparing the hearts of the people and it has been so evident to us this past week! I love serving and I was able to do so much of that is week and I feel so good when I can get up and help people! I love the Lord and am so grateful for the strength he gives me each and everyday!

Love you all~!!!

# itsnotgoobyeitsc-yalater


Sister Owsley

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