Tuesday, May 19, 2015

If You Find My Brain That Would Be GREAT! 5/18

So this week has been full of unexpected changes and laughs and tears. Holy Cow! haha We had transfers this week and Sister Coats left and went to Twin! She is an STL (sister Training leader) there and she is going to do amazing things for the people there. Sad to see her go though. well we visited a lot of people on Monday and Tuesday so sister coats could say bye. Wednesday we went down to transfer meeting. Well we were supposed to get 3 sisters in Mackay but apparently one of the new sisters from the MTC had a stroke on Tuesday in Twin so they had an even amount of sisters. So its just Sister Rabaut and I here. We have been doing well though. I feel like my brain ran off and I am the biggest space cadet in the world right now. I am struggling to remember peoples names and where everyone lives and what not!( I think in might be in the warm sunshine of CA) Ya so if anyone finds my brain I would really appreciate it if you could return it! haha we haven't really done much. Right now we are working with the Ward Mission Leaders and Bishops to get some plans in action for the next 6 weeks to help them transition and go back to 2 elders for the whole stake so really our purpose right now is to help make the transition smooth and help the members get more involved. We are excited and really just want to work so it will be a blast! This week though there really wasn't much we had district meeting on Friday and discovers the we have the most ADHD district known to mankind haha (not that i help with that) we had fun though. We were able to meet up with Gloria Dunn this week (she is a former investigator) and set up and appt with her! we also had dinner at the Ippolitos on Sunday and Eveyln had a ton of great questions. Also we met up with the Moores in Darrlington and we were able to go inside this time and he gave us some of his artwork! True american cowboy art! haha I love it! Overall it was a pretty good week here. Really busy with a lot of stuff but we hare getting along! :) Rained for about 5 days straight though ( don't tell sister coats though because she would be mad... cause she loves the rain!) haha We are doing well though, sorry there isn't much more this week.

Love you all!! 


Sister Owsley


1) the Laundry mat here has a sign above the sink that states "Please don't clean your fish in the sink" hahah
2) When you fall asleep in church and you almost fall off the pew... Sneeky haha 
3) won 3 rounds of Uno @ the Ippolitos WOOP WOOP!!
4) The last day sister Coats was here we didn't get to the post office till late, while we were walking out I thought it would be a great idea to do a heal click. well.... It ended up my shoe came off and hit the light and i fell down.. Grace is my middle name! :)
5) sister Coats didn't get to say bye to the summers.. so as we are driving out of town we decide to stop anyways.. yep banged on their door at 6 in the morning #Champions!
7) District meeting can be described as this #trunkyelderswhotalkabouttheir"future ".....ya wierd
8) read Roman 7: 14-25  haha sounds like Dr. Seuss

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